OFYR Grill Round XL

Selection Guide

  • Add an extra dimension to your OFYR cooking unit by also using it as a real barbecue.
  • Very suitable for large pieces of meat but also for vegetables.
  • Can also be used to put pans on, even a paella pan.
  • When not in use, store indoors to prevent rust.

OFYR Grill Round XL



Welcome to the next level: With the Grill Round 100, the OFYR classic 100 becomes a barbecue in no time. It consists of a cast iron grill and a stand that makes it very easy to add wood. Those who want to take their cooking skills to the next level cook their dishes on the plancha and finish them off on the grill with wonderful smoke and roast aromas and the typical OFYR branding.



cooking surface




4536 cm²

Ø 80 x 26 cm

Black Steel

total weight

24,5 kg